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All the best writers aren't really writers... but story tellers! What story can I help you tell? 

Feature Blog

Carnivorous_plants_H_Eastburn (4).jpg

Helping Locals “Meat” Their Native Carnivorous Plants 

Fostering a love and appreciation for native plants is especially important for conservation because plants make the base of our ecosystem, and having abundant healthy native plants is crucial to creating habitat that can foster more wildlife...


I am a freelance writer with a specialty in science, nature, and travel, but I am always happy to take on new topics and learn new things as I craft stories for your audience. I write articles, blogs, newsletters, website content, social media content, video scripts, and everything in between. I also enjoy taking on fact checking projects and copy editing to help you ensure your content is accurate, interesting, and readable. 

Contact me to discuss your next project!

Blog and Article Writing

Website Content and More

For my editing and translating portfolio
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